Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great Date

So I haven't had a nice little date in a while. Me and my girlfriend were supposed to hang out last night, but she had to cancel because she had to study for AP's. =[. Lame. AP's are basically screwing everything up. Especially my relaxation time - I can't chill at home without my mom nagging me about that stuff. Argh. Everyone just needs to chill.

But anyways, one of my friends is in fresno for his grandma's birthday, another was hanging out with a lady friend of his, and another was chilling with some of his other homies, so it was me and Justin flying solo.

He came over, we hit the bio, then we rolled on over to Islands. Sooo good. I had forgotten. Bacon cheeseburger with bbq sauce, mmmmmm, delicious. Then we went round 2 right before watching Kick-Ass. On our way into the show, we saw a few of our friends getting kicked out with like huge pizza boxes. They had snuck in but got caught so they got kicked out. High-key. Fortunately, they didn't get in trouble though.

Kick-Ass was a good movie. It was actually pretty crazy. I had a good time last night. It was a great date. Especially because it was organized so last minute. So I had a good night. Just wish I could have seen her.

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