Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Boston: Day 2

Me and frank didn't have anything planned for thursday, but we woke up early so we could get a good start on the day. We started out with a nice little work out in the fitness center. After that, we chilled in the hot tub. Went back up to our room, showered, and got ready to go.

Matt Boston had told us about this really good place to eat called Quincy Market. We thought that he was probably pretty knowledgeable so we decided to follow his advice. We took the T (the subway)to government center, basically this place with a bunch of huge government buildings. Once we got off of the T we saw this really big tent, there was a circus in town. I've never been to a circus before, or at least I don't remember going to one. I might have as a kid. I've never really seen the appeal, but we were in Boston and I was down to do something spontaneous, so we bought two tickets.

After that we proceeded to the Quincy Market. This place was stacked. No joke. It was basically this huge rectangle building with about 20 places to eat on each side on the inside and stores on the outside. Picking what to eat was an extremely hard decision. Everywhere your head turned, you saw something delicious. Not to mention all of the smells wafting around. In the end I decided on a Chicken Parmesan sandwich, with some cheese fries, which were actually kinda gross because they used melted cheese. They did that later on when I got chili fries too. Not very good. This might be a problem if I go to Boston.

After we ate, we went around the stores shopping. Got a really sick Alice In Wonderland shirt for one of my main homies. wanted to buy this shirt:

cause it was super sick. But i didn't think my mother would appreciate it. oh well.

We went back to the hotel to chill for a little bit before the circus. Then we went to the circus and got snacks and this huge thing of popcorn and watched the circus. It was pretty entertaining. There weren't any animals but it was still pretty tight.

Afterwards we went to this place called Chicago Uno Grill. It was supposed to be a really good pizza place but we had pizza the night before so we got burgers. They were really good. Also, we split this oreo brownie dessert which was almost like pizookie status. Sooo good. Boston's got some tight food.

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