Sunday, March 28, 2010

I saw you the other day...

you changed your hair but you looked the same.

You've been hanging around lately. It's weird to see you. Nice I guess. But weird. It's like thinking about you and me a year ago and thinking about you and me now is really weird. It's not like I feel nostalgic, it's just that I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to act. Especially because you have all of these rules that we are apparently supposed to follow. I don't know who created these rules, but in my opinion, they suck. We should just be.

In a way, these rules are counter-productive. We have to slow things down to abide to these rules. It's like there's this road (to wherever we are trying to go with this) and there are road blocks in the middle of the road, and we have to go all the way around these road blocks as opposed to working through them. If that makes sense. Stupid metaphor?

You told me about your new guy. I asked you and you asked me if I really wanted to know. I asked didn't I? It was kind of unexpected. Well unexpected in the sense that it should have been expected but it wasn't? Now that I think about it, you said the same thing about me. I guess these sort of things happen. I wasn't upset. Just curious.

Things change. That's the way of life. But it's impossible to be totally free of any inertia.

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