Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Have you ever...?

Had the urge to do something obscene?

Sometimes I'll be with a group of people, and a thought crosses my mind like, "what would happen if i did blah blah blah?" Blah blah blah being something totally obscene and socially unacceptable. It's not like I would ever actually consider doing these things, the ridiculous thoughts just come to mind. And I have no idea why, it's just distracting randomly. It's been happening with older people alot. Maybe they just agitate me.

On a not so separate note, I feel like my social skills have been deteriorating. I used to think I was pretty good at socializing, but the past few weeks have proven me to be quite incompetent. As always still stumbling through life. Hopefully I'm just in a weird funk right now. Always seems to be some kind of a funk though.

Seems like there's always something. No one's perfect though I guess.